Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 7

Today was a travel day to St. Lucia and an early wake up call dragged me out of bed for my flight out of JFK. Grabbed my backpack and took the hotel car to JFK and security was surprisingly heavy at 6 AM on weekday but it went quickly and was on the plane to St Lucia. On the plane ride down I watched Iron Man 2, good but pales in comparison to the first and spent some time thinking about careers and passion.

One of the reasons I am able to take this trip is I recently decided to leave my job at BenefitSpecialists and hoped over the 30 days of travel to do some careful reflection on what direction I should go from this point forward. I've spent a lot of time over the past year during some personal development / coaching and one of the things they preach is doing something you are passionate about. We spend so much time at work and I think it's sad that many people spend years of their lives doing something that is nothing more than a job. I understand is a reality and necessity for many people but I want something more than that. In the personal development program I am part of; there is a concept called unique ability which is basically a skill that everyone has and each person does their unique ability better than anyone else in the world. Doing activities that leverage your unique ability and exciting, fun, provide endless amount of energy, and you have superior skill at it. I'm hoping some careful reflection over the next several weeks will help me understand what my unique ability is and then find a job / career that will help me leverage it.

In looking back at my jobs and personal experiences so far, one of the things I love doing is learning / education. Taking a complex subject and simplifying it to a core concept that people can relate to and understand. It baffles me how complicated people make things sometimes and I've been told by several people it's something that my ability to make the complex simple is strength. One of the challenges is how to leverage a unique ability like that into a job or career. Time will tell over the next several weeks and months.

Later that afternoon we landed in St. Lucia and took a taxi to “Peace of Paradise” which is a private home on the Eastern side of St. Lucia into the jungle and near a babbling brook. It's very pretty, very hot, and very humid in St. Lucia and look forward to what the next few days here will bring. No pictures today, didn't break out the Camera but lots of pictures over the next couple of days.

As always any questions / comments please post below or email me at

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing group of photos so far! I am sad that you are leaving, but man am I happy to follow your travels;)

    Safe travels and I look forward to the next set of posts.

    Rachel Hosch
